- Graceland Too by Phoebe Bridgers
- Seeing people I love after a long while apart
- Black-eyed susans
- Identifying trees
- The IT Crowd
- British humour
- Picking wildflowers
- Paved trails
- Evening church sermons
- Chocolate fudge ice cream
- “We could take your wheelchair”
- Secondhand bookstores
- Finding the perfect book for another
- Three-dollar books
- An email that says “your order has shipped”
- Finding old scraps of paper with handwritten words, once used as a bookmark by a stranger
- Updating my Goodreads account
- Fresh, unused leather notebooks
- Replacing bad habits with good ones
- New stickers
- Samples of washi tape
- Codes and ciphers
- Writing on a quiet evening
- Fantasy children’s books
- Tiny sprinkles of rain during quiet hours
- Someone bringing me my favourite food, because they know I’ll love it
- The sounds of birds singing above my head
- A gift of homemade cookies
- The simple words, “I’m sorry,” paired up with a hug
- “Thank you for sharing your story with us”
- Meeting new, kind people
- Vaccines
- Showing others my bullet journal
- Pressed leaves
- Hearing another talk about a book they love
- Discussing novels
- Bright gardens with flowers emerging through the greenery
- Poems that transport me to the depths of nature
- Sunflowers printed on a tablecloth
- Duolingo challenges
- Chinese dramas
- The green glow of sunlight through leaves
- Freshly-brushed hair
- Enola Holmes
- Friends falling in love with my favourite books
- A satisfying ending to a story
- The poetic, intricate writing of Donna Tartt
- Crépes
- Chocolate-covered pretzels
- The word, saudade
- Enneagram twos
- Motherly love
- Fishtail braids
- Cinnamon bun tea
- The sound of crickets on an early morning
- The number “24”
- Cryptography
- Instrumental hymns
- Remembering God’s promises and love
- The feeling of being beautifully woven into the fabric of eternity
- Lavender blooming on the side of the road
- Kind strangers opening the door
- Seaside wind
- Funny, improvised lyrics
- An isolated house built onto a tiny island of rocks
- Sailboats
- Old lighthouses
- A distant daydream of living in a lighthouse someday
- Abandoned mansions
- Hot chocolate with a shot of espresso
- Strong waves crashing on rocks
- Large rocks peaking above the Atlantic waters
- Houses that look like they belong in The Great Gatsby
- The smell of being close to the water
- The connection of family
- Signs with bronze lettering
Keep wandering,

These posts make me happy!
Awww 🥺 I’m so glad! (You make me happy.)
The fact that this post is just a list of things that made you happy in July makes me happy because there’s nothing I love more than things that make people happy combined with list formats. <333